Friday, December 11, 2009

Participation Grade

Back home in England we had to wear uniform to school, yes even with public schools. Gym class also had a uniform, and if you forgot it, you had to have a good reason or a note from your parents as to why. Usually this meant that you would have to spend the class either sitting out or watching everyone else, or in some severe cases it meant litter duty with the groundskeeper. It sounds harsh, but it was mainly for the repeat offenders.

While observing the obvious difference was the lack of uniforms. Everyone dressed in their own individual way. When it came to gym class, students were encouraged to bring gym clothing with proper footwear. This was sent out in letters home to parents and it was part of a contract they signed off on before the school year started. However this was not to be the case. While observing I saw many students never change, and sometimes even wear flip flops. Usually these students didn’t want to participate that day, and upon first offense, the students were given warnings of losing points in their participation grade, but it was never seen to full fruition.

How do we get those who do not wish to participate, to participate? Obviously the threat of losing points for your final grade in gym doesn’t bother the students. How much does the gym grade weigh in terms of final grades?

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