Sunday, December 6, 2009

Settling in

This week I have been getting to know the physical education staff at school. In between periods we’ll talk and ask each other questions, mainly pertaining to what I’m studying and the Physical Education world itself.

The main standout I got from all the conversations I had with the teachers was that, they all seemed to have a good sense of worth about their profession. They didn’t view it as babysitting, even though they knew that they couldn’t perform miracles and have every child engrossed in their lesson; they tried to make each lesson very attainable for all skill levels. Of course every class may have its select few, which I saw on both ends of a spectrum, for example there were the students who wanted to learn and play, and then there were the students who were twiddling their thumbs and asking “when is it over?”

All the teachers enjoyed their line of work, they all appeared younger looking that what they actually were, “gotta love phys ed!” a teacher replied when I was astounded to hear that he was actually in his 40’s but I thought he was late 20’s early 30’s. But mainly I really liked the fact that all the teachers there had been there for a minimum of 10 years or more. Not a very high turnover rate in the physical education teacher world.

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